Terms & Conditions
Payment of Fees
A paid deposit is required online or to office before receipt and acceptance letters are issued for all Teenage Stage courses. Balance of fees must be paid in full a minimum of four weeks before courses commence. Transfers and accommodation, scripts, cds and course materials will not be confirmed or dispatched until all monies have been paid in full. No student will be allowed to participate in the programme unless payment is received in full prior to course and all student guideline contracts, medical and dietary forms and necessary paperwork has been returned. Your enrolment and your continued attendance on your course are conditional upon you providing true, genuine, accurate and complete (ie not omitting information you have been asked to provide) information in your application form and on you meeting our terms and conditions.
Teenage Stage International Summer Schools reserves the right to change the particulars of the services, including changes to courses, locations, accommodation, facilities and dates of the programmes where circumstances beyond the company’s control necessitate such changes or where the number of bookings received does not reach the minimum numbers required to operate a course viably. Teenage Stage reserves the right to make changes to the timetable, the teaching staff, the advertised programme or the programme delivery mechanism (for clarity this may mean that we switch to online zoom classes) in the event of illness or other circumstances beyond our control.
General Refund Policy
All refunds will be sent to the account of the parent to whom the fees were originally paid, or to the individual from whom Teenage Stage has received the original direct payment. Refunds will be processed according to these terms and conditions. In the unlikely event that the school is unable to deliver a course in full, the student will be offered the refund amount in accordance with the above paragraph. The refund will be paid within 14 days of the day on which the course ceased being provided. Alternatively, the student may be offered enrolment in a suitable alternative course by the school at no extra cost. The student has the right to choose whether they would prefer a full refund of course fees, or to accept a place on another course. If they choose placement on another course, Teenage Stage will ask them to sign a document to indicate acceptance of the placement.
Cancellation Policy
Teenage Stage International Summer School defines cancellation as the period prior to start of first course. All cancellations must be made in writing to our International Head Office. The following refund policies apply. Within 7 days of the booking, 100% of all monies paid will be reimbursed. After 7 days of the date of booking and more than 90 days before the summer school, 50% of all monies paid. After 7 days from the end of booking period, and less than 90 days before the summer school, no refund is payable.
Withdrawal Policy
Teenage Stage International Summer School defines withdrawal as termination of a course after the course has started. Any withdrawal must be made in writing. No refunds will be given once the course has commenced.
Travel Details
Students that have booked an airport transfer must send details to our International Admissions Centre at least three full working days prior to their designated arrival time. If notice is not received the company may not be able to provide a transfer.
Accident & Medical Insurance
It is a condition of making a booking with Teenage Stage International Summer School that all students have appropriate medical insurance if necessary and students enter the course at their own physical risk. Any medical costs (including transportation and prescription medication) are the responsibility of the individual and we must be notified in advance of any medical condition or allergies that may be relevant to the successful completion of the course.
Teenage Stage International Summer School and its staff and representatives will not be liable for loss, damage or personal injury to persons or property howsoever caused, except where liability is expressly imposed by law. The company will not be liable in the event that any service contracted to be supplied by us becomes impossible to supply for any reason or any cause outside our control. Teenage Stage International Summer Schools does not accept liability for personal injury or the death of any participant. Teenage Stage does not accept any liability for the loss or damage of any property belonging to participants, and will not take charge of personal items left behind at the end of the summer school. Teenage Stage will not be in breach of its obligations under its contract with you, nor liable to you for any loss caused to you under its contract with you which results from events which are beyond the company’s reasonable control, such as: a pandemic (Covid-19 or otherwise), an epidemic or a local health emergency necessitating measures to reduce risk of infection or illness; industrial action; acts of God; acts of terrorism; the unanticipated departure or absence of key members of staff; or failure or delay by third party suppliers and subcontractors. In such circumstances Teenage Stage will take reasonable steps to mitigate the impact on you and to restore teaching and services as soon as possible or provide alternative options.
You acknowledge that the maximum aggregate liability of Teenage Stage to a Student or Parent under these Terms & Conditions shall not exceed the Teenage Stage summer camp fee to which a claim relates.
Student Welfare and discipline
Teenage Stage International Summer School is committed to safeguarding and protecting children in its care from harm (these children are defined as any person under 18 years old enrolled on any given part of any of our course). Teenage Stage will apply this policy equally to all children and teenagers regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, genderuality or belief. Teenage Stage expects all staff, agents and external service providers to share this commitment in order to create and maintain a safe and suitable summer school environment.
It is your responsibility to tell Teenage Stage prior to course of any issue or condition that may affect their stay on our programme.. These include but are not limited to ADHD, SEN, medical, languages, disabilities, diet, medical, behavioural/social issues, child’s history.
Non prescription / over the counter medication (e.g. painkillers, antihistamines, plasters etc) will be available for infrequent use. These will be given by our health / management team and only available for short term solutions to health issues and no warranty is given for the suitability of such medication.
Our general discipline procedure in cases of misbehaviour is as follows: in the first instance a student will be given a verbal warning. If this incident is repeated then the student can receive additional sanctions such as detention or removal from activities or rehearsals. Should a student continue to misbehave, a written warning is issued. Once a written warning has been issued, Teenage Stage Summer School will contact the parent or guardian as soon as possible. Any student who has been issued with a written warning will be made fully aware that any further incidents will result in removal from the course. We reserve the right to terminate the programme of any person or group whose behaviour is likely to cause distress, damage or danger to other participants, employees or anyone else. Teenage Stage reserves the right to terminate the programme of any person or group whose behaviour is contrary to applicable local laws. This behaviour includes but is not limited to: under-age purchase or consumption of alcohol, possession of illegal substances, damage to property, threatening or violent behaviour.
Behaviour Policy
Teenage Stage International Summer Schools reserves the right to refuse or exclude any person at any time prior or during the summer school if in the opinion of The company that person is incompatible with the general wellbeing and safe running of the camps. No refund will be given in such an event and any costs incurred, including any damage, will be passed on to the parents/guardians. Parents/guardians will be responsible for the collection of the person or for all transport costs in connection with that person returning home. Acceptance onto the course is at the discretion of Teenage Stage and if the company feels for whatever reason that the applicant is not suitable for the course, then the application will be declined. All decisions are final and not subject to appeal. We reserve the right to decline, accept or cancel any booking, or exclude any child at any time prior to, or during the camps, if in our reasonable opinion the behaviour of that child is, or may be disruptive, dangerous or incompatible with the general enjoyment and well-being of others. Any cancellations will be subject to clauses and our refund policy.
Resolution of Disputes
If a student or parent wishes to complain about any aspect of the services provided by Teenage Stage International Summer School such a complaint should be made in writing to the Centre Manager. If not resolved, this should be addressed to our Head Office. Each complaint will be fully investigated provided that it is received within a month of the course ending, it was initially registered in writing with an on-site representative or Centre Manager and all fees have been paid in full.
In the event that the matter is not resolved, the student or group leader or agent should make a complaint in writing to the Summer Head Office at: Clapperboard Limited, c/o Teenage Stage International Summer School, Knockaunranny, Moycullen, Galway, Ireland.
Media Usage
The student (and, where applicable, his or her parent or guardian): (i) agrees that the student’s photographs, videos, artwork or other works, as well as recorded or written testimonials and details of the student’s achievements (Student Images and Testimonials) may be used by Teenage Stage International Summer School or by a third party agent worldwide for promotional purposes including in its printed and online marketing materials and on any social media network without further consent or notification; and (ii) gives consent to Teenage Stage Summer School marketing or transferring across international borders, copies of the Student Images and Testimonials for such purposes. Teenage Stage is hereby authorised to use still photographs or motion picture footage, recordings of students’ voices and names of students for advertising, publicity, commercial or other business purposes such as commemorative DVD production, social media and marketing materials and entertainment and educational programme packs.
Data Protection
Any information provided to Teenage Stage International Summer Schools may be held on computer and shall be used in accordance with its data protection registration and the national data protection laws applicable. Our Privacy Policy is available on the website.
Your application does not constitute a guarantee of acceptance to Teenage Stage summer courses or Clapperboard Junior Film Schools and we reserve the right to rescind all offers, at any time and for any reason at the discretion of the management.
Please note that the schools listed in the brochure provide accommodation and management facilities only in terms of partnership. The summer courses are run by Teenage Stage International Summer School and there is no connection with the schools in terms of day to day operations. By paying your fees you agree to comply with Teenage Stage summer programmes as amended from time to time and with the Statements and Codes of Policy, Practice and Procedure which are made under them. These include the Code of Discipline, and other regulations concerning your studies, conduct and behaviour including regulations relating to harassment, the use of facilities, health and safety issues (including safe behaviour required during any pandemic, epidemic or local health emergency) and legislative requirements such as data protection.
These Terms & Conditions, together with any Fee Note or Acceptance Letter, constitute the entire agreement between the parties which supersedes and extinguishes all previous agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, representations and understandings between them, whether written or oral, relating to its subject matter.
In the event that one or more of the provisions of the Agreement are found to be unlawful or otherwise unenforceable, those provisions shall be deemed severed from the remainder of the Agreement.
The Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of Ireland and any dispute, proceedings or claim shall fall within the jurisdiction of the Irish courts.