"I assure you with confidence that anyone truly in love with the joys of acting that participate in this memorable experience will not be disappointed. I am a 13 year old American currently living in Paris. I am a writer, actress, gymnast, artist, singer, pianist, animator, super-taster and a debater (just to name a few passions!). I found it difficult to find an intense English Theatre programme for my summer break. Then I stumbled upon Teenage Stage online.
Upon my arrival in Clongowes Ireland, one of the two locations, the other being Dublin, I was welcomed warmly with snacks and smiling faces. The tone of camp is set the moment one arrives and launches into auditions and, within hours, directors had us read lines from script, sing various roles, and test our dancing skills. The intensity of instruction and close knit groups make the whole experience a wonderful ride to a finale that you long for once over. For duration of 7 days, every member of the “theatre family” worked extremely hard at putting everything into final performance and improving the actors into a top of the line, mini broadway spectacle! I met so many friends for life that share my passion. The girls I befriended in my dorm had a great sense of humour, and we all loved hanging out with each other during meals or during our spare time. I’m looking forward to our next show and meeting new, unique personalities! Hope you have fun!"
A theatre geek named Gigi.